Sunday, October 28, 2007

Taarifa hizi zinatisha

Sasa tumeanza kuelewa kwa nini serikali inajikanyaga kuhusu tuhuma za ufisadi zilizoibuliwa na wapinzani. Taarifa mpya mpya zinaonyesha jinsi Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BoT) ilivyotumika kuibia pesa kwa ajili ya Uchaguzi Mkuu wa 2005 ili mgombea urais wa CCM ashinde kwa kishindo. Binafsi naamini kwamba, kwa mazingira yaliyokuwapo, mgombea wa CCM angeshinda hata bila ya kununua kura. Soma mjadala hapa.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Habari Corporation yafungua tovuti

Kampuni ya Habari Corporation, inayomilikiwa na Mbunge wa Igunga na Mhazini wa CCM, Rostam Azizi (pichani kushoto), imefungua tovuti ya magazeti yake. Magazeti hayo yaliyowahi kutamba kwa uchambuzi mahiri na makini katika miaka ya 90 na kabla ya Uchaguzi Mkuu wa mwaka 2005, yanapatikana hapa. Siku hizi inaitwa New Habari Corporation - yenye mmiliki mpya, sera mpya mikakati mipya na uongozi mpya.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Satan's benefit in our deeds

A man woke up early in order to have his morning
devotion (prayer) in the Lord’s house (church). He
got dressed, set on his way to the Lord’s house (church).
On his way to the church, the man fell and his clothes
got dirty. He got up, brushed himself off, and headed home.

At home, he changed his clothes, and was, again,
on his way to the Lord’s house. On his way to the
church, he fell again and at the same spot! He,
again, got up, brushed himself off and headed
home. At home he, once again, changed his
clothes and was on his way to the Lord’s house (church).

On his way to the house of God (church), he
met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of
his identity and the man replied, "I saw you
fall twice on your way to the house of God (church),
so I brought a lamp so I can light your way.
The first man thanked him profusely and the two
were on their way to the house of God (church).
Once at the house of God (church), the first man
asked the man with the lamp to come in and
pray with him. The second man refused. The
first man asked him a couple more times and,
again, the answer was the same. The first man
asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.

The man replied, "I am Satan". The man was shocked
at this reply. Satan went on to explain, "I saw you on
your way to the house of God (Church) and it was I
who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned
yourself and went back on your way to the house of God
(church), God forgave all of your sins. I made you fall
a second time, and even that did not encourage you to
stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to Church.
Because of that, God forgave all the sins of the people of
your household. I was afraid if I made you fall one more
time, then God will forgive the sins of the people of your village,
so I made sure that you reached the house of God (Church) safely.
" So do not let Satan benefit from his actions.

Do not put off the good you intended to do, as you never
know how much reward you might receive from the hardships
you encounter while trying to achieve that good. For your
righteousness can save your family and nation at large. Do
this and see the victory of the Lord.

Note: It was forwarded to me by a friend. I thought it might make a good reading for visitors of this blog. Stay blessed!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Huyu ni Mwalimu wangu

Mama huyu ni mmoja wa walimu wangu. Anaitwa Prof. Susan Miller. Cheo chake ni MBA Academic Director, katika Chuo Kikuu cha Hull. Mpiga picha alinikamata nikiwa nasisitiza jambo - ona mikono, utadhani nasali vile! Teh! teh! teh! Picha hii ilipigwa Alhamisi wiki hii mara baada ya mlo wa jioni ulioandaliwa na Hull University Business School kwa ajili ya wanafunzi wote wa MBA chuoni hapo. Uwongo mbaya, kazi anaiweza.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Kikwete anasaidiwa na Ze Comedy?

Kauli ya Rais Jakaya Kikwete kuhusu vigogo wanaotuhumiwa kwa ufisadi (akiwamo yeye) haina 'mashiko.' Ukichanganya kauli yake, ya Kingunge Ngombale-Mwiru, na ya Jaji Joseph Warioba, utaona kwamba hapa kuna kutapatapa kwingi. Nashangaa magazeti yameandika JK ajibu mapigo. Nimesoma kwa makini, lakini sikuona hata pigo moja alilojibu. Hata waliosema ametoa majibu mazito wamemkweza bila sababu. Sikuyaona. Kama waliomtangulia kutoa kauli, analenga lakini ameshindwa kuwachanganya wananchi. Lakini kwa kuwa yeye alipewa muda mrefu kusoma alama za nyakati, na kwa kuwa yeye ndiye mkuu wao, wananchi walitarajia kauli pevu zaidi kutoka kwake. Haijapatikana.
Nadhani wapinzani wamemjibu vema. Ametonesha vidonda. Na bado yataibuka mengine tu. Rais ameibua maswali magumu. Nami bado ninaye; namtafakari. Katika hili, siko peke yangu. Tazama mchambuzi mwingine alivyomfanyizia Kikwete. Sasa nasikia wasanii wa Ze Comedy wameanza kuigiza tuhuma za vigogo, huku wakiwatetea watuhumiwa na kumsakama Dk. Slaa. Niko mbali na nyumbani. Wanaojua walete habari kamili. Inawezekana CCM imeamua kuwekeza katika Ze Comedy kuwapumbaza Watanzania, kuwatetea mafisadi?
My photo
Nimechongwa na mambo haya: Falsafa, Fasihi, Muziki, Habari na Harakati. Sifuati mkumbo. Napenda kuhoji na kudadisi - hulka ya kifalsafa ya kuusaka ukweli - 'UKWELI ULIO UCHI.'