Mwaka 1991, aliyekuwa Rais wa Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda alishindwa na wapinzani katika uchaguzi mkuu, akawakabidhi madaraka bila ghasia. Mwaka 2000, aliyekuwa Rais wa Senegal Abdou Diouf alikabidhi madaraka kwa washindi na kuondoka Ikulu kwa amani. Mwaka 2002, aliyekuwa Rais wa Kenya, Daniel arap Moi, alimkabidhi Mwai Kibaki (pichani kushoto) uongozi, baada ya mteule wake aliyeandaliwa kuwa mrithi wake, Uhuru Kenyatta wa KANU, kushindwa na nguvu ya upinzani.
Mwai Kibaki aliyepishwa na Moi, ameshindwa kukubali matokeo baada ya miaka mitano tu ya kukaa Ikulu na kukataliwa na wapiga kura. Ghasia zimezuka, damu zimemwagika. Amejiunga na klabu ya marais wezi wa kura, kina Robert Mugabe na Amani Karume. Tanzania tunajifunza nini? Afrika yetu inaelekea wapi? Tufanye nini kuinusuru? Hawa wametoa maoni yao. Wewe una maoni gani? Tujadiliane.
KIbaki Mwizi tu. Ona anavyotuma wajumbe kwenda kuomba msaada kwa marais wenzake wamuunge mkono. Mwiziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Kibaki ni mhuni tu kama wenzake Museveni na Kikwete. Tofauti ni kiwango cha uhuni na jinsi anayouonyesha...sasa anatangaza barza la mawaziri wakati maandalizi ya mjadala yanaendelea...ana akili huyu?
Raila: We want our seat back
Story by NATION Team
Publication Date: 1/14/2008
ODM leader Raila Odinga Sunday said he cannot be forced to endorse President Kibaki as the Head of State if the mediation process does not address the injustices of theft and vote rigging.
He stunned worshippers during a Sunday service at Jesus Is Alive Ministries when he thanked them for “electing me the President of Kenya” and they returned the gesture with a thunderous applause led by Starehe MP-elect, Bishop Margaret Wanjiru.
He said condemning Kenyans for resisting the injustices and urging them to embrace peace without asking President Kibaki to step down was unfair to ODM stressing that they wanted “our seat back”.
International community
He pledged to cooperate during the mediation process to be led by former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Mr Odinga said ODM was ready for talks but not in the context of endorsing the presidency of Mr Kibaki which was “ill-gotten through blatant and open rigging of elections at the KICC.”
“How can somebody steal your cow and then before he returns it back, you start cheering him as a hero. You cannot hero worship theft.” Mr Odinga asked the international community to help Kenyans fix what he described as injustice.
However, Cabinet ministers Moses Wetang’ula and John Michuki dismissed the remarks by the ODM leader, stating that President Kibaki was legitimately in office.
Mr Wetang’ula, the Foreign Affairs minister who said he had already contacted Mr Annan’s office, said since the President had already been sworn in for his second term, it was only a court of law which could reverse the decision.
“The remarks are totally unhelpful. President Kibaki was voted for by Kenyans, declared a winner by a competent Electoral Commission, sworn in and has formed Government. Any challenge to that has to be made by a court of law. The claims are untenable and illegal,” he said.
He said ODM leaders promised Ghanaian President John Kufuor, who left last week after the mediation efforts failed, that they would engage in dialogue without preconditions.
“The expectation of the Annan team is to midwife dialogue in good faith, without preconditions and for the welfare of Kenyans. The talks are not intended to further the aims of ODM,” he added.
Mr Odinga said Kenyans should not lose hope because he “had seen light at the end of the tunnel” and urged world leaders not to push talks that would amount to accepting theft.
He said if the process of mediation is to sanitise President Kibaki’s victory, then Kenyans would have no reason to vote in 2012. Mr Odinga said Kenyans cannot accept President Kibaki’s victory, noting that it was a bitter pill to swallow.
“ If I won in Nyanza, Rift Valley, Nairobi, Coast, North Eastern and Western provinces, which arithmetic would any sane person use to claim Raila Odinga lost the elections?” he said.
Mr Odinga said if the electoral process was entrusted with thieves and crooks who cooked figures at the tallying point, then democracy had taken a nose-dive and those who sacrificed for it, like himself, will go to greater lengths in defence of justice. “One day the children of this country will live together like brothers and sisters and be judged by the content of their character and not tribes,” he added.
He likened polls chief Samuel Kivuitu’s declaration of President Kibaki the winner and the pronouncement that he did not know who won the elections to the theatre of the absurd.
In Migori, hundreds of Christians prayed for peace and reconciliation.
They warned that Kenya was on the brink of collapse unless leaders realised the need to shun arrogance and hard-line stances.
The head of the Caring Outreach International Ministries, Bishop Esau Jobando, said women and children bore the brunt of the skirmishes and called for a quick solution. He asked leaders to cooperate with Mr Annan’s team.
Bishop Jobando told President Kibaki to play a leading role in reaching out to the Opposition and asked him to publicly admit the flaws in the polls. “Insisting that he won fairly will only make a bad situation worse,” the cleric added.
At Holy Family Basilica, Father David Njuguna asked Kenyans to shun violence and seek solutions to the crisis in faith.
Reports by Kenneth Ogosia, Elisha Otieno and Michael Mute
Kikwete anatutayarishia maafa kwa kuwakumbatia mafisadi na kuendekeza udini katika jamii ya watanzania.
Sio siri kwamba Kikwete anaendeleza udini katika jamii ya watanzania na hii anaifanya kwa kupitia mawaziri wake wa karibu Meghji na Ghasia kwa kuhakikisha kwamba appointments zinazokuwa wazi kwanza watafutwe waislamu ikishindikana ndio wapewe wengine!! Ndio maana mipango yao mingi inashindwa kutokana na kuwateuwa watu wasiokuwa na uwezo. Kwa mfano wateule wote wa waziri wa bodi ya BOT ni waislamu na hii sio coincidence. ukifuatilia uteuzi wa bidi zote za mama huyu ni hivyo hivyo tu kwa maelekezo ya bosi wake. Kwa mtindo huu lazima tutachinjana. Kenya wananyoa nasi tutie maji.
Ndugu yangu Bulesi Said mimi nafikiri wewe kama mtanzania mwenye uchungu na nchi hii ni vizuri ukaongea kitu ambacho unakijua kuliko kusema kwa kusikiliza majungu ya mtaani . Una uhakika na unachokisema kuhusu uduni wa kikwete? Mimi nafikiri wakristo wachache wajinga kama wewe ndiyo hatari kwa taifa letu. Hebu fanya uchunguzi uone waislam na wakristo ni akina nani wenye hali mbaya katika nchi hii?
Mimi ni mtanzania mwenye uchungu na nchi yangu ndio maana nasema hivyo, watu wanafiki ndio huogopa kusema ukweli. Hoja hapa sio nani kati ya waislamu na wakristo wenye hali mbaya? Hoja ni kwamba kwanini dini ya mtu iwe kigezo cha kupata uteuzi katika serikali ya "BOYS TO MEN". Mimi sio wa kwanza kulisema hili, liliishazungumzwa mara tu alipoingia madakani na ushahidi kutolewa hadharani!! Sasa kwa vile linafanywa kiujaujanja ndio maana kuna umuhimu wa kuliweka wazi ili kuepusha majanga huko mbele kwani uhasama wa kidini ni mbaya kuliko ukabila; mtoto na baba yake wanaweza kutoana roho kwa tofauti za kidini!! Tuepushe balaa hilo.
Bwana Bulesi said mnafiki siku zote hawezi kujificha. Mfano, issue ya udini katika nchi hii kaiasisi Nyerere na Mkapa akaja kuipalilia na kuitia mbolea ili kuiimarisha. Angalia wateuzi waliokuwa wakiteuliwa zaidi ya 90% walikuwa ni wakristo huku waislam wakibaguliwa eti hawana "ELIMU". Zilizokuwa jumuia zao ambazo zilikuwa zikipigania haki na maslahi ya Waislam kama zifanyavyo jumuia za kikristo nchini zikapigwa marufuku na kufutiliwa mbali, mfano "The East African Muslim Welfare Society" ilivunjwa na Nyerere na yeye Mwenyewe bila aibu akaunda BAKWATA ambayo hadi leo inasimamiwa na serikali sijui kwa manufaa ya nani maana waislam wengu wengi hawana imani nayo lakini bado inalindwa na serikali. Pia serikali ilivunjilia mbali BALUQTA ambayo ambayo pia ilikuwa ni jumuia ya kiislam, nk.
Pia angalia taasisi za umma mfano vyuo vya elimu ya juu vinadahili zaidi ya 90% wanafunzi wakristo na kuwaacha Waislam. Sasa huyo JK kama angekuwa MDINI na Uchungu na dini yake si angewasaidia waislam wapate nafasi nyingi vyuo vya elimu ya njuu kuliko huko unakosema? au unafikiri anashindwa kuwaagiza hao wanaovisimamia? Pia Uislam unatofauti kubwa sana na dini nyingine kama Ukristo, Uyahudi, nk. Kuitwa Juma au Abdalla sio uislam na si kwamba ana uchungu na Uislam wake. Kama JK angekuwa Mdini si na Mawaziri angeteua Waislam wengi kuliko Wakristo hali kadhalika wakuu wa mikoa na wilaya, Wakurugenzi, Makamishna na makatibu wakuu wa wizara nk. Hebu fanya uchunguzi uone ratio ya Waislam na Wakristo kama inawiana ama hata kukaribiana tu. Ukweli ni kwamba ktk kila sekta zaiddi ya 80% ni Wakristo au wao ni haiki yao na pidi waislam wakiingia wanawadhulumu?
Nakubaliana nawe kuwa kuna educational imbalance katika jamii yetu kati ya waumini wa dini ya kikristo na waislamu na yote hii inawezakuelezeka historically. Toka enzi ya kutawaliwa waumini wa dini ya kiislamu waliwapeleka vijana wao kusoma madrasa na huko walisoma dini zaidi kuliko elimu ambayo ingewawezesha kuajiliwa aidha kwenye formal sector au civil servise. In order to rectify this historical anomally emphasis on the part of moslems should be to acquire the type of education that will allow them to be absorbed in both the civil service or the formal sector but this absorbption should be on the basis of competence and not RELIGIOUS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ; because by so doing you will relegate the moslems to a class of incapable people who have to be helped which is not the case. Appointing people on the basis of religion sows hatred in society which is a recipe for religious strife.
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